Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sba loan Default; Waiting To Settle Can (And Probably Will) Cost You

It's a common scenario that we've seen a number of times. We get an email from an SBA borrower who has closed their business. While they knew that they'd be responsible for the debt since they signed a personal guaranty, they never heard anything from their lender. For this reason, the guarantor procrastinates when it comes to settling their debt in exchange for the release of their personal guaranty.Has the lender forgotten about them? Has their loan slipped through the cracks? Then, a few weeks, or even months later, a letter arrives demanding payment on the loan. To the borrowers surprise and confusion, the letter is not from their lender, but rather directly from the SBA. Despite a time frame by which the borrower must respond, they take a passive approach. They don't respond to the letter, and they don't take the initiative to hire us to get the situation worked out on their behalf.After two months go by, the borrower receives another letter, this time from a collection agency, and to the guarantors dismay, an additional $5,000 has been added to the loan balance. In a panic, they call us asking for help. We call the collection agency, who are only willing to consider offers on their terms, and they have no sympathy for the borrowers tale of woe. The guarantor is now stuck, as they cannot meet the terms that the collection company is demanding.What are the lessons to be learned here?1) If you have defaulted on an SBA, doing nothing and waiting to see what happens can result in dealing with a collection company, whose settlement terms will often be less flexible than if you had dealt with your original lender or the SBA.2) If you fail to respond to your lender/SBA about settling your debt, you are likely to have thousands of dollars in additional fees added to your loan balance on the file is passed to a collection company.3) Once your file is passed from the SBA to the Treasury (or a collection company who is working for the Treasury), your window of opportunity to settle with the SBA will be closed.4) Just because your lender is not calling you or sending you letters, it does not mean you are off the hook. The SBA, US Department of the Treasury, and collection agents will likely be contacting you.

Sba loan Default; If you take cash from the till, you'll pay later

I see this often: small business owners swiping cash out of the register or however it is received and held. Sometimes it's just the lure of the green, an instinctive move that cannot be overcome, a need to have cash in your pocket. I understand. However, sometimes it is a plan, repeated every week removing large amounts or amounts that overtime become larger and larger as the pleasure of feeling rich is a great feeling for some small business owners, despite the reality that they are stealing their own cash from their own business.Unfortunately, there is more harm than good that results out of such actions and it will come back to haunt you.For one, it is impossible to do any cash management or cash flow projections as revenue no longer equals sales and, thus, planning is out the door as is budgeting or any form of accounting. This is bad as basically it means you are running the business cash flow without any guidelines or projections, without any way of knowing whether or not you are succeeding or what your numbers really are trying to tell you. There can't be no controls over your business.It sets a very bad example as your staff and employees will know you are using the cash register as a personal bank and that there are no controls; thus, it invites stealing and other wrong doing as why not, the boss does it and he will not be able to tell because he can no longer control his cash or revenue accounts.But the worst is yet to come. When it comes the time to sell the business, try telling the buyer that the revenue is really a hundred thousand more but you take it out of the business in cash before it gets deposited.It never works. You simply have a business that does a hundred thousand less in revenues and that devalues the sale price dramatically.So great, you avoided some tax bite and lost a bundle when it comes time to sell.Enough, it is a bad habit and never works out as expected. Change your ways, take whatever cash you need but properly account for it by withdrawing it appropriately after recording it as income. That's what we need to be doing, not swiping it out of the cash drawer.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sba loan Default; Debt Workouts are not a get rich quick plan

It happens from time to time, and it comes in a few different varieties.Small business owners with significant debt want to do a workout to reduce their debt and call us for such support. We evaluate their finances and occasionally it does not add up.In a few, we see a successful business possibly with reduced revenues from the business decline we are experiencing, but the reality is they are still profiting and, thus, we really cannot and should not employ our skills to reduce debt through our strategies just to help them avoid paying a loan that they can and should repay because they are solvent and profitable. We walk away from these potential clients. We are not in business to do this.Another issue we confront is when the client has sizable wealth accumulation. This too presents a challenge because while we can strip debt off an underperforming business preserving them from foreclosure, however, when confronting the workout for the personal guaranties, we cannot hide existing wealth. For example from time to time we come across a potential client who has paid off his mortgage and has a valuable house. It is a blank check for the banks and there is little we can do about it. They must pay more than if they had a mortgage and the house was upside down. Their exposed equity becomes a basis for pay back.A third issue which we confront from time to time is when the business is doing well but the business owner takes cash out before depositing it and, thus, makes the business look under performing while building up cash reserves under his mattress. Yes, this happens.We are not in business to support this activity. We do not represent small business owners who are misusing the system. This is unethical and not within our operational standards.I have selected post number 666, the biblical sign of the devil to discuss this issue, as what better post to discuss our ethical standards.We must all eventually answer to ourselves, how we conduct ourselves and what kind of business person we are. We have determined our standards and while we make no judgment for our clients or potential clients as everyone is entitled to determine how they act for themselves, we will not align ourselves with business owners who do not maintain an ethical standard that complies with our definition of what our mission is.We are not here to make someone rich. We are not here to help business owners cheat. We enter a workout with integrity and with full disclosure and this works. We are in business to support small business owners who are drowning in debt and cannot survive. That is what we do.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sba loan Default Why Is My Banker So Mean To Me

When dealing with an Sba loan workout, as in life, there is a chancethat you might come across one or more individuals who have completelyabandoned that whole thing about treating others as you'd like to betreated (I'm sure their mothers would NOT approve!). On more than oneoccasion, I've been engaged to deal with cranky bankers who seem bent on giving my client a hard time. Based on my time as a banker, and my time as a consultant, I've accumulated a few theories about why some bankers just can't seem to play nice in the sandbox. Here are the most common:1) The borrower did something to make them mad.In some cases, the borrower did something they were not supposed to do, either by accident or on purpose. Did you sell your business assets without telling the bank? Did you repeatedly break promises to send payments or paperwork? Did you go on the offensive and put them in a position to have to bare their teeth? Did you whine about how banks got bailouts and you are being treated like dirt?No matter what you did, if you did something to make them mad, it'squite possible that they took it personally (most will, although they'll never admit to it) and are emotionally invested in your file (in a bad way). Once they are against you, it only makes the fight that much harder. They'll scrutinize your information, probing for a reason to reject your offer.The lesson here, of course, is try not to make your banker mad. DebtSettlement 101 calls for you to be polite and cooperative, so as toavoid the dreaded Cranky Banker.2) They are new at their job.At some point in our lives, we have all been "the new guy" (or gal). I always hated being the new guy because it meant that I'd often be asked questions by borrowers that I didn't know the answer to - - but was supposed to. What is a reasonable settlement offer? Do I have to pay interest on the settlement? How long of a period can I make payments over?I never had an ego that prevented me from saying "I'm not sure. I'llcheck and get back to you." Unfortunately, not everyone is like that.Some bankers do have egos, and rather than admit that they are not sure about their own institutions philosophies and regulations, they'll try to cover the fact that they are as clueless as you are by stonewalling you. They won't respond to emails or voicemails, and when you can get them on the phone, they are evasive and leave you feeling frustrated because you are getting no direction or feedback about the settlement or modification process that you are attempting to navigate.3) They are incompetent.A close cousin to the "new guy" is the incompetent guy. I find theincompetent guy the hardest to deal with because unlike the new guy, the incompetent guy will never learn and will ruin lives until management has the good sense to fire him. Incompetent guy is hard to deal with because he is not knowledgeable, unresponsive and uncooperative. I worked with a guy like this, and got to hear about how poorly he treated people after he was fired and I took over his accounts. He wasn't a mean spirited person, he just honestly was overwhelmed by the job, and on certain days he would take it out on his customers who were just trying to get their situation rectified.4) They got picked on as a child.This person is just mean in general, and it's their mission to spreadtheir misery to as many folks as possible. They almost get joy out oftormenting you. They love to threaten to take your home, shut yourbusiness down, and sue you despite the fact that you are dealing in good faith. I used to have to foreclose on people, but there is a tactful way to explain the bank's position without demeaning or threatening a person. Some bankers enjoy being in a position of power, and will use their power to make your life unnecessarily uncomfortable.For the record, I have worked with many more nice bankers than meanbankers, and I'm thankful for that. Most bankers I deal with areknowledgeable and responsive, and understand that my clients are not bad people, but rather they are just caught in a difficult financialsituation. But I have to say, I always cringe when I realize that I'mdealing with the dreaded Cranky Banker.

Sba loan Appraisals Machinery & Equipment

Here at our Northern California Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraisal office, the phone's been ringing off the hook with calls from Sacramento and Yuba City banks and other northern California financial institutions asking for qualified Sba loan appraisals on machinery and equipment for collateralized loans. The recent passage of the Small Business Jobs Act (H.R. 5297) has galvanized the business loan market!As a CPA, I enjoy creating qualified appraisal reports for banks, credit unions and other financial institutions. When I worked in the Sacramento audit department of international CPA firm KPMG, my focus was banking, insurance, manufacturing, agriculture and distribution; my duties included auditing banks. Consequently, I've reviewed thousands of loan files, including machinery and equipment appraisals, and I'm more than a little familiar with what a good loan file looks like: I know what bank auditors are looking for.Even with this legislation bankers still have to satisfy bank auditors and examiners who have raised the bar for the quality of the loan documentation. Therefore a "one-sheet wonder" appraisal from an appraiser without a recognized designation is wasted money. What a bank needs is a qualified appraisal from a certified / accredited appraiser with knowledge of the equipment being appraised. A qualified USPAP compliant appraisal can be the key that opens the SBA treasure chest.I recently got a call from a bank that was being audited and had a "one-sheet" appraisal in a loan file. They needed me to come out ASAP and do a qualified equipment appraisal to reassure the auditors and forestall any problems for the bank. Clearly, the first appraisal was not only a waste of money but also created an embarrassment for the bank's management when they had to call the borrower with the news of the required new appraisal.As an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) with the American Society of Appraisers, I'm always happier to provide a qualified equipment appraisal for a business loan than for a bankruptcy. Note that the ASA designation is often preferred and even required of some Sba loan appraisals.Just about any small business (and a small business could be making millions of dollars, according the SBA guidelines) could be eligible for these Sba loans put into play by the Jobs Act. I took a quick look at the list of industries on the SBA website: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting; Mining, Quarrying, Oil & Gas Extraction; Construction; Utilities; Manufacturing from pet food to work clothes, including chemicals and printing; Wholesale and Retail Trade; Transportation and Warehousing; Information (a wide and varied field from publishing, movies and music, to telecommunications and data hosting); Finance and Insurance; Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, such as Landscape Architectural, Geophysical Surveying and Mapping, Biotechnological Research & Development... well, you get the idea.The Jobs Act not only increased federal government guarantees on SBA 7(a) loans through the end of the 2010, but also temporarily waived fees on 7(a) and CDC/504 loans and created a $30 billion lending fund that community banks can access in making loans to small businesses in our service area--the Sacramento Valley, the San Francisco bay area, Redding, Yuba City, Stockton, Auburn, Elk Grove or Grass Valley.Tony Wilkinson, president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders, points out that the combination creates a perfect opportunity for small businesses to get an Sba loan. "This," he says in the Sacramento Business Journal Article, "is the time to search out an SBA lender." SBA records show that already in 2010, the top 10 Sacramento area SBA lenders have dispersed over $86 billion in 415 loans! If you don't have one yet, it's time to consider whether an Sba loan could help you grow your business.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sba loan Default Key Elements To A Loan Settlement

Quite often, I hear from distressed borrowers who want to settle their debt. In some cases settling is possible, in some cases its not. The purpose of this article is to explain three key elements that must be present in order for a business to have a chance to settle their SBA debt. Please keep I mind that this is NOT an exhaustive list.1) The business must have ceased operations. This means that you've closed your doors for good, or you have sold the business to a non-affiliated third party. The reason that the SBA wants the business to have ceased operations is to ensure borrowers don't continue to benefit financially after the SBA and the lender have taken a loss.An OIC will be considered if a business is sold as a "going concern" to a non-affiliated third party. The reason the buyer needs to be a non-affiliated third party is to ensure that business was simply sold to make the borrower eligible for a debt settlement, only to have the borrower re-purchase the business at a later date.2) All business assets must be liquidated. This element applies to situations where the business has closed for good. The SBA wants all assets to be liquidated and applied to the loan balance BEFORE any OIC discussions begin. That way, they know how much is owed after all possible business collateral has been liquidated. (Note: Many borrowers want to purchase their own assets from the bank. Typically, the bank will not allow this, as it would basically mean that the borrower could remain in business, which as we learned above, is not something the SBA will entertain.)3) You must have access to cash. You'd be surprised how many prospective clients come to us wanting to settle, but when we ask how much they have to offer, they respond that they don't have any money to offer. If you don't have cash in your account today, there are creative ways to raise cash that you need to explore if you hope to settle your debt.

SBA Debt Forgiveness Why Won’t Some Lenders Forgive an Sba loan

Having been an SBA consulting for a while, I've come across many different lenders. They run the gamut from the smallest of community banks to the largest banks in the universe. There are hundreds of banks, and with that come a number of different philosophies when it comes to loan settlement. Despite SBA's settlement protocol and policies, the first issue I always want to tackle is whether my client's lender will even consider a settlement. After all, if a bank won't settle regardless of the situation, there is little point in engaging my services. The reasons why a bank chooses not to settle:Too much equity in your home. If you pledged your home, and there is enough equity in it to repay the loan in full, it's unlikely that your lender will want to take a short payoff (the SBA would concur with this stance).The business is still open. Many lenders don't like the idea of losing money on a loan while a borrower stays in business and continues to benefit financially from the business. Either you stay open and pay the loan in full, or you close and try to settle. (Again, the SBA concurs with this stance).They Think All Borrowers Cry Wolf. Many lenders are tough as nails when it comes to dealing with defaulted debt. While some lenders will assess your financial situation and make concessions based on what they see, others choose to litigate and obtain judgments against the borrower and personal guarantors. The theory behind the litigation is that debtors tend to stretch the truth about how dire their financial situation is (ie "cry wolf"), and only when they have their bank accounts levied, wages garnished, or home encumbered will they get serious about settling.You Are One Many Customers. In the current economy, many loan workout departments are completely overwhelmed by the number of delinquent loans they have to deal with. In such cases, some bankers will just choose to refer to matter to their attorney rather than dealing with the paperwork and effort involved in an Sba loan settlement.While these are just a few possible scenarios, its important to keep in mind that in order to give yourself a chance to settle, you need to offer full financial disclosure, and fully cooperate with the bank even if you don't full understand their methods. I've often found that even if you don't agree with the process, its better to stay on good terms than to argue out of principal.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SBA Business Loan

If you have been dreaming of starting some small scale business enterprise, then the best option that you could tap is the SBA or the Small Business Association. This is an organization which aids interested businessmen to set up their own businesses. The SBA has branches in all states. However, it is essential to know what exactly the SBA is and the procedure to secure a SBA business loan. In an intensely competitive market, finances are not a joke. Every penny matters and therefore, an in depth understanding of all resources must be present to approach the SBA for a loan.SBA is a reputed association which takes interest in assisting business men, without regard to their location. The help does not end simply with the loan but continues with suggestions about the investments to be made and tips about proper financing and management of the small business set up. The association is under the authority of the government, and therefore, cent percent genuine. There are various types of Sba loan schemes. Since the mid 1900's the association has been functioning with a lot of success stories as testimony to its reliability. The interested parties need to get in touch with the SBA to come across details on the various programs.There are SBA bond loans which are chiefly targeted at very small enterprises and small groups. This scheme is a very special and is meant for the niche market. The bonds are in the form of contracts. The rates vary and can go up to even 2 million dollars, in case all the requisites are fulfilled and the plan for the small business enterprise is considered weighty enough. The bonds have their own flexibility and repayment periods. This makes them highly popular loan schemes for setting up businesses with the assistance of the SBA.The conditions on which the loans are sanctioned by the SBA are various. The main conditions are the size of the business, the services and production which the enterprise advertises. The plan or the structure of the business is the main focus of the lending authority. The SBA often sanctions loans on the strength of the business proposal. The plan must be devoid of any loop holes and it must be clearly explained to the SBA members.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SBA Business Loan Broker 2

The SBA has quite a few loans they give to modest corporations. One of the favorite SBA business loan packages is the SBA CDC/504 system. The other is the SBA 7(a) program. Enterprises who are interested in applying at their financial institution or non-bank lender will need to know as much as possible about what will be necessary preceding the application so they can be prepared. Under this senteance you can see the distinctive needs and facts concerning this company loan program.Loan Plan- SBA CDC/504Target Companies for this program-This program is developed for these small enterprises that are already established and operating at a profit. The home business are unable to exceed a tangible net worth of $7.5mm to be qualified for this plan and can not exceed a net money of $2.5mm for the most modern two years. The intent of this mortgage is long-phrase financial progress within a local community. The program is targeted toward individuals firms with physically existent operations with long expression, fixed price funding. CDC's are certified progress businesses that perform within a specific, selected local community to aid present small business financing alongside with the SBA and SBA authorized loan providers within that community.Use of Funds- The SBA dictates how the funds from any loan are disbursed via this system. Below are some of these demands.Acquire of property or advancements to existing structures including buildings, landscaping, road enhancements, and many othersConstruction of new services or enhancement of present amenities associated instantly to the home business.Invest in of extended-term machinery utilized in the enterpriseMaximum Mortgage Amounts- The greatest loan quantities can differ from $1.5mm to $4.0mm. Usually talking, loan quantities rise if a task meets certain public policy targets these kinds of as community revitalization, work development or neighborhood redevelopment of a enterprise district, minority ownership, and many others. See the SBA web site for entire details. Interest costs are pegged to a specified amount over US treasuries.Credit Standards- A individual assure by all principals along with all supporting paperwork is necessary. (see previously mentioned underneath 'Types of Documentation Needed') Additionally, the SBA will location a lien on the task staying loaned as collateral. This lien remains in force till the mortgage is paid.A commercial financing advisor could help link you with SBA funding. An SBA financial loan could possibly be an individual's possibility to finally own the company of your desires or to expand an individual's already active enterprise. The SBA has aided in excess of one-million business owners take a chance on a far better far more beneficial lifestyle and together with the support of these plans may be in a position to aid you as well. Even though this is a govt program the rates of interest and conditions of the loan will differ dependent on exactly what firm you receive a loan from. These plans are an instance of a public-private funding relationship and are intended to help those whom likely would certainly not be ready to obtain small business capital do so otherwise.

SBA 7a vs 504 loans Which One Is Best For Your Business

As a small business owner who is ready to purchase a commercial property for your business, you might find yourself faced with a seemingly difficult choice between the SBA 7a loan program, or the SBA 504 loan program.As you make your decision about the sba 7a vs 504 loan options, chances are you are receiving conflicting advice and information. In fact, its entirely possible that your lender might be offering both of these commercial mortgage programs to you - and they might even try to convince you that the SBA 7a loan is the better option.In reality, the sba 7a vs 504 debate isn't even a contest. The SBA 504 commercial mortgage program is by far the better commercial mortgage program for a small business owner, for a number of reasons. If your lender tells you that a SBA 7a loan is the better option, they are likely doing so because they have an agenda that doesn't match your own.When comparing the sba 7a vs 504 loans, the biggest difference you'll find is that the SBA 504 program was actually designed for use by small business owners to finance commercial real estate properties that they buy for their businesses, while the SBA 7a program was not.The SBA 7a program was originally intended for use in financing business acquisitions, FF&E, working capital loans, and other high-risk loans. However, because of a few unique qualities found in the SBA 7(a) loan program that benefit the lender (and NOT you), greedy bankers began using this program to finance real estate properties, even though it is a dangerous loan for the borrower.The SBA 7a loan program can be very dangerous for you and your business, while the SBA 504 loan program is very beneficial.Some of the key advantages of the SBA 504 loan program include:1. Long-term fixed rates - with fixed rates up to 20 years2. Ability to finance up to 90% of the total project costs3. Ability to include closing costs and loan fees in the financingThese are just a few of the many advantages made possible through the SBA 504 program.And unfortunately, there are several drawbacks to an SBA 7a loan.If you are currently deciding between the sba 7a vs 504 loan programs, then it is absolutely vital that you educate yourself about the dangers inherent to the SBA 7a commercial mortgage program, and why the 504 commercial mortgage program is a much better and SAFER loan option for you and your business.

SBA Business Loan Broker

The SBA has lots of loans they deliver to little organizations. One of the well-known SBA business loan applications is the SBA CDC/504 system. The other is the SBA 7(a) program. Companies who are serious about making a request at their financial institution or non-financial institution lender require to know as much as feasible about what will be demanded preceding the application so these people can easily be ready. Beneath these sentences you might see the unique needs and facts concerning this small company loan program.Loan Plan- SBA CDC/504Target Businesses for this plan-This program is developed for many small enterprises that are previously founded and running at a profit. The small business won't be able to exceed a tangible worth of $seven.5mm to be qualified for this plan and won't be able to exceed a net cash flow of $two.5mm for the most recent two years. The intent of this mortgage is lengthy-phrase economic enhancement inside of a local community. The plan is targeted toward people corporations with physically existent operations with prolonged phrase, fixed fee funding. CDC's are licensed enhancement firms that work inside of a particular, designated local community to support provide home business funding coupled with the SBA and SBA approved loan providers in that neighborhood.Use of Money- The SBA dictates how the proceeds from any loan are disbursed through this system. Under are some of these needs.Invest in of land or advancements to present structures like buildings, landscaping, road advancements, and so onConstruction of new facilities or enhancement of existing amenities relevant instantly to the company.Buy of extended-expression equipment used in the enterpriseMaximum Loan Quantities- The greatest mortgage amounts can vary from $1.5mm to $4.0mm. Generally talking, mortgage quantities rise if a task meets unique community policy aims such as community revitalization, position creation or local community redevelopment of a organization district, minority ownership, etc. See the SBA web-site for complete details. Curiosity rates are pegged to a specified amount previously mentioned US treasuries.Credit score Criteria- A particular ensure by all principals with all supporting documentation is necessary. (see previously mentioned beneath 'Types of Documentation Needed') Additionally, the SBA will place a lien on the venture becoming financed as a guarantee. This lien remains in force until finally the mortgage is compensated.A business financing advisor can help link you with SBA capital. An SBA financial loan may well be a person's option to finally possess the small business of ones own ambitions or to expand a person's already existing company. The SBA has assisted over one-million business owners take a chance on a improved extra profitable lifestyle and along with the help of these kinds of programs may be ready to support you as well. Even though this is a government plan the rates of interest and terms of the loan will fluctuate centered on what firm you get a loan through. These programs are an instance of a public-private funding partnership and are meant to help those whom likely would certainly not be capable to get hold of small business funding do so otherwise.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Repercussions of an Sba loan Default

When you took that Sba loan a few years back, all those papers you signed sure did have a lot of words on them, didn't they? If you are like most people, you signed them without thinking too much about what a worst case scenario would be if you couldn't pay that loan back. Fast forward a few years of blood, sweat, and tears. You've done everything you could possibly think of to get things back on track. You've cut expenses. You've let your staff go. You stopped paying yourself. You ask the bank for a loan modification. Despite your best efforts, there is simply just not enough money to pay the bills, and you fall deeper into the hole every month. Now that it has become apparent that you are going to default on your Sba loan, a question begins to plague you: WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO TO ME AND MY BUSINESS?Here is a list of legal remedies that banks have in their bag of tricks:Foreclosure - If you have pledged real estate or business assets of collateral, banks can initiate a foreclosure (sometimes called a writ of possession for business assets). How long that would take depends on the state, but the end result is that the bank takes possession of your property, and sells it to the highest bidder. The proceeds from the sale of your stuff will be applied to your loan balance.Of note, a possible alternative to foreclosure is to work with the bank to perform a short sale on your real estate. In a nutshell, a short sale means that you sell the real estate for less than you owe. It won't get you off the hook for the remaining balance due after the sale is complete, but it could fetch a higher price than a foreclosure sale, resulting in a lower deficiency amount.Foreclosing on business assets is often done not because the assets have value, but instead as a way to shut a business down. If you don't have inventory, tables, chairs, a cash register, etc, then you can't continue to operate.Judgments - A judgment is a court recognizing the legal validity of a debt. It declares to the world that John Q Public owes XYZ Bank Corp a sum of money. This information typically will be reported on the credit report the person the judgment is granted against. Once a judgment is granted, the party that the judgment is granted in favor of has the option of trying to collect on the judgment. In other words, they can try to take your personal possessions, even if you didn't originally pledge them.Wage Garnishment - If you owe money and have a job where you have you get paid regularly, a lender can legally take a portion of every paycheck in order to offset debt that is owed.Tax Refund Offset - If you default on an Sba loan, the US Treasury Dept can enroll you in the Treasury Offset Program. Any tax refund you are entitled to receive in the future can be seized and applied to your debt.The best way to avoid any of the above from happening to you is to be proactive about settling your debt. The SBA has a process in place that allows guarantors to make a settlement offer (know and Offer In Compromise, or OIC). By settling your debt now, you can avoid the financial consequences of foreclosure, judgments, wage garnishment, and tax refund offsets. The longer you wait to settle, the harder it will be to do so.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

SBA Loan Service

The SBA has quite a few loans they present to little companies. One of the common SBA business loan plans is the SBA CDC/504 plan. The other is the SBA 7(a) program. Enterprises who are serious about applying at their bank or non-financial institution financial institution need to know as much as attainable about what will be needed preceding the application so these people can be prepared. Under this senteance you will see the various needs and info pertaining to this company loan program.Loan System- SBA CDC/504Target Corporations for this plan-This system is intended for people firms that are already founded and operating at a positive revenue. The enterprise can't exceed a concrete worth of $seven.5mm to be qualified for this program and cannot exceed a web income of $two.5mm for the most latest two years. The objective of this loan is long-phrase financial advancement in a community. The plan is geared toward many companies with physically existent operations with long term, fixed price funding. CDC's are certified growth providers that work inside a particular, specified local community to assistance supply enterprise financing along with the SBA and SBA accepted loan providers inside of that community.Use of Funds- The SBA dictates how the proceeds from any loan are disbursed as a result of this plan. Below are some of these needs.Order of property or improvements to existing structures including buildings, landscaping, road enhancements, and many othersBuilding of new amenities or improvement of present amenities related instantly to the company.Obtain of long-term machines made use of in the enterpriseOptimum Mortgage Amounts- The greatest loan quantities can vary from $1.5mm to $4.0mm. Generally talking, loan amounts rise if a challenge meets certain community policy targets these as local community revitalization, task creation or neighborhood redevelopment of a organization district, minority control, and so on. See the SBA web-site for complete specifics. Interest charges are placed to a specified total over US treasuries.Credit Standards- A individual assure by all principals with all relevant documentation is necessary. (see above underneath 'Types of Documentation Needed') Moreover, the SBA will spot a lien on the undertaking becoming loaned as collateral. This lien continues to be in force until finally the loan is paid.A business capital advisor can help link you with SBA funding. An Sba loan might be your personal opportunity to ultimately own the company of your goals or to expand your already active company. The SBA has assisted over one-million company proprietors take an opportunity on a far better extra lucrative living and with the help of these types of courses may be ready to help you as well. Even though this is a government plan the rates of interest and terms of the loan will range based on what merchant you acquire a loan through. These plans are an instance of a public-private funding partnership and are meant to help those who probably would certainly not be in a position to get hold of small business financing do so otherwise.

Our Sba loan Default Workout Guaranty; We will never have to pay it out!

Our guaranty is a direct reflection of our success. In short, with the appropriate support from our clients including adequate financial strength to satisfy the needs of the workout and a commitment to full disclosure, we did not "lose" a deal in 2009.Therefore, we have provided our guaranty, recognizing the difficulty potential clients have in making the hard decision to commit to us and our strategies.Their issues tend to be as follows:1. I will wait and see what happens.2. I believe the economy is going to turn around and I will be fine.3. Your strategies and projected results are too good to be true.4. I am concerned that if I sign on, what will happen to the money I paid if it does not work out as promised.5. "My lawyer says... my accountant says... my banker says... my wife says..." all barriers preventing the leap of faith required to join us in our successful debt workout strategies.Thus, we have decided to demonstrate our belief in and commitment to delivering the best possible results and to demonstrate that we understand what is at risk if we fail in our mission. To support the clients' belief in our commitment to success and to help develop trust, we have decided to guaranty our results so we too are at risk if we fail... which we never do.Thus, we glibly say, we will never have to pay out on the guaranty as we believe we will always win with every client, and will return their money if we should fail.This is our context. This is our reality. We act as if our clients' money and business are ours, and we fight for success as if it is our business and family at stake. Our mission is our passion, our passion is our mission, saving America one business at a time, as we know there are no other options that preserve the assets and remove the debt and save businesses, jobs and families.Our commitment is we will win. We ask you to trust us. We are willing to risk our money to demonstrate our commitment. We will not fail our clients. We know what is at risk. We guaranty our results.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

New First Mortgage Loan Poolers Will Jump Start Secondary Market for SBA 504 Loans, Make Credit More Available

June 24, 2010 -- Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration announced the first nine loan pool originators authorized by the agency to assemble and sell pools of 504 program first-mortgage loans -- a major step to jump-starting a secondary market that should make fixed-asset financing more widely available for small businesses.The new program was approved under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.Prior to the recent disruption in the credit market, a private secondary market for these loans existed, but has not revived as the economy has started to rebound. SBA expects this new program to breathe new life into that secondary market and improve access to credit for small businesses by providing a resource that can help boost liquidity to small-business lenders. "With the resources provided in the Recovery Act, we have engineered a turnaround in its SBA lending, putting nearly $30 billion in the hands of small businesses across the country," said SBA Administrator Karen Mills [pictured]. "This added support now to relaunch the 504 first-mortgage secondary market builds on that success, and will help leverage even more capital for small businesses to support their growth and create new jobs." Under the program, the SBA will provide a government guarantee on pools of portions of eligible 504 first-mortgage loans assembled by approved pool originators to be sold to third-party investors. Lenders will retain at least 15 percent of each individual loan, pool originators will assume five percent of the risk, and the SBA will guarantee the remaining 80 percent. Typically, a 504 project includes three elements:1] A loan [or first mortgage] secured with a senior lien from a private-sector lender, covering up to 50 percent of the project cost;2] A second mortgage secured with a junior lien from a Certified Development Company [backed by a 100 percent SBA-guaranteed debenture], covering up to 40 percent of the cost; and3] A contribution of at least 10 percent equity from the small-business borrower. Under the new program, portions of the senior liens are pooled by pool originators and sold to investors in the secondary market. To be eligible to be included in a pool, the first mortgage must be associated with a 504 loan disbursed on or after Feb. 17, 2009. The program will be in place until Feb. 16, 2011 -- or until $3 billion in new pools are created, whichever occurs first. The pool originators approved thus far are:* Bank of America, N. A. of New York, N.Y.;* Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. of New York, N.Y.;* Citizens Bank of Elizabethton, Tenn.;* Coastal Securities, Inc. of Houston, Tex.;* Community South Bank of Knoxville, Tenn.;* Fidelity Bank of Covington, Ga.;* Meadows Bank of Las Vegas, Nev.;* Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A. of Salt Lake City, Utah; and* Voyager Bank of Eden Prairie, Minn.For additional information on the pool originators, visit: list will be updated regularly as new originators are approved.For more information about all of the SBA's programs for small businesses, visit the SBA's website at SOURCE: U.S. Small Business Administration###TAGS: 504 loans, ARRA, banks, Certified Development Company, credit, financing, jobs, Karen Mills, lenders, lending, loan pool originators, loans, Recovery Act, SBA, secondary market, small business, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Georgia, investors, job creation, Karen G. Mills, liquidity, Minnesota, mortgage loans, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Utah

Friday, July 22, 2011

Loans To Small Businesses The SBA Business Loan

The SBA has many loans to small businesses. One of the popular SBA business loan programs is the SBA CDC/504 program. The other is the SBA 7(a) program. Businesses who are interested in applying at their local bank or non-bank lender need to know as much as possible about what will be required prior to applying so they can be prepared. Below you will see the different requirements and information regarding this small business loan.Loan Program- SBA CDC/504 Target Businesses/Borrowers For this Program-This program is designed for those small businesses that are already established and operating at a profit. The business cannot exceed a "tangible" net worth of $7.5mm to be eligible for this program and cannot exceed a net income of $2.5mm for the most recent two years. The purpose of this loan is long-term economic development within a community. The program is geared toward those businesses with "brick and mortar" operations with long term, fixed rate funding. CDC's are certified development companies that work within a specific, designated community to help provide business financing along with the SBA and SBA approved lenders within that community.Use of Funds- The SBA governs how the proceeds from any loan disbursed through this program. Below are some of these requirements.Purchase of land or improvements to existing structures including buildings, landscaping, street improvements, etcConstruction of new facilities or improvement of existing facilities related directly to the business.Purchase of long-term machinery used in the businessMaximum Loan Amounts- The maximum loan amounts can vary from $1.5mm to $4.0mm. Generally speaking, loan amounts rise if a project meets specific public policy goals such as community revitalization, job creation or community redevelopment of a business district, minority ownership, etc. See the SBA site for full details. Interest rates are pegged to a specified amount above US treasuries.Credit Criteria- A personal guarantee by all principals with all supporting documentation is mandatory. (see above under 'Types of Documentation Needed') Additionally, the SBA will place a lien on the project being financed as collateral. This lien remains in force until the loan is paid.

Know Who All Can Qualify To Get Sba loan

People and many corporate leaders have one question in their mind about the qualification and eligibility criteria to avail Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. The fact is that only those industries that are organized and made for profit and have branches in the USA can qualify to avail these financial help. These companies must operate from the land of USA and make adequate contribution to the government in terms of paying taxes, using other products manufactured in the USA and also use the labor and raw materials of the country. With all these features, the companies should also meet the statistical size standards as per the definition of Small Business Size Regulations, 13 CFR 121.There are other features and information related to the qualification in order to get such Sba loan. You can get all the related information from the official website. There you will get the summary of size standards required by the industry, addresses and contact information of the local SBA offices and also get the chance to know about all the frequently asked questions. You can find some time out of your day and go through the details and find whether you are People and many corporate leaders have one question in their mind about the qualification and eligibility criteria to avail Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. The fact is that only those industries that are organized and made for profit and have branches in the USA can qualify to avail these financial help. These companies must operate from the land of USA and make adequate contribution to the government in terms of paying taxes, using other products manufactured in the USA and also use the labor and raw materials of the country. With all these features, the companies should also meet the statistical size standards as per the definition of Small Business Size Regulations, 13 CFR 121.There are other features and information related to the qualification in order to get such Sba loan. You can get all the related information from the official website. There you will get the summary of size standards required by the industry, addresses and contact information of the local SBA offices and also get the chance to know about all the frequently asked questions. You can find some time out of your day and go through the details and find whether you are eligible for such financial assistance or not.In short, the size standards as per the guidance are as follows:People and many corporate leaders have one question in their mind about the qualification and eligibility criteria to avail Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. The fact is that only those industries that are organized and made for profit and have branches in the USA can qualify to avail these financial help. These companies must operate from the land of USA and make adequate contribution to the government in terms of paying taxes, using other products manufactured in the USA and also use the labor and raw materials of the country. With all these features, the companies should also meet the statistical size standards as per the definition of Small Business Size Regulations, 13 CFR 121.There are other features and information related to the qualification in order to get such Sba loan. You can get all the related information from the official website. There you will get the summary of size standards required by the industry, addresses and contact information of the local SBA offices and also get the chance to know about all the frequently asked questions. You can find some time out of your day and go through the details and find whether you are People and many corporate leaders have one question in their mind about the qualification and eligibility criteria to avail Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. The fact is that only those industries that are organized and made for profit and have branches in the USA can qualify to avail these financial help. These companies must operate from the land of USA and make adequate contribution to the government in terms of paying taxes, using other products manufactured in the USA and also use the labor and raw materials of the country. With all these features, the companies should also meet the statistical size standards as per the definition of Small Business Size Regulations, 13 CFR 121.There are other features and information related to the qualification in order to get such Sba loan. You can get all the related information from the official website. There you will get the summary of size standards required by the industry, addresses and contact information of the local SBA offices and also get the chance to know about all the frequently asked questions. You can find some time out of your day and go through the details and find whether you are eligible for such financial assistance or not.In short, the size standards as per the guidance are as follows:There should be 500 staffs for all mining and manufacturing industriesThere should be 100 staffs for all wholesale commerce industries$7 million for all special trade services$5 million for all service and retail industries$17 million for most of the heavy construction and general industries$0.5 million for all agronomic industriesNow, if the small business of yours passes any of the above mentioned criteria, then you can visit any of the nearby SBA business loan and apply for the loan. Make sure you have all the relevant documents that are required to submit while applying for the financial aid. Take advice from the officers who work in any of these offices or you can take the assistance of any financial expert. You should possess good domain knowledge about the industry you are going to start and the utility of the services that your company will provide. Also, be cautious about all the US government information related to such loans to avoid any confusion. Be confident and try your luck with the perfect financial support from Small Business Administration.eligible for such financial assistance or not.In short, the size standards as per the guidance are as follows:There should be 500 staffs for all mining and manufacturing industriesThere should be 100 staffs for all wholesale commerce industries$7 million for all special trade services$5 million for all service and retail industries$17 million for most of the heavy construction and general industries$0.5 million for all agronomic industriesNow, if the small business of yours passes any of the above mentioned criteria, then you can visit any of the nearby SBA business loanand apply for the loan. Make sure you have all the relevant documents that are required to submit while applying for the financial aid. Take advice from the officers who work in any of these offices or you can take the assistance of any financial expert. You should possess good domain knowledge about the industry you are going to start and the utility of the services that your company will provide. Also, be cautious about all the US government information related to such loans to avoid any confusion. Be confident and try your luck with the perfect financial support from Small Business Administration.There should be 500 staffs for all mining and manufacturing industriesThere should be 100 staffs for all wholesale commerce industries$7 million for all special trade services$5 million for all service and retail industries$17 million for most of the heavy construction and general industries$0.5 million for all agronomic industriesNow, if the small business of yours passes any of the above mentioned criteria, then you can visit any of the nearby SBA business loan and apply for the loan. Make sure you have all the relevant documents that are required to submit while applying for the financial aid. Take advice from the officers who work in any of these offices or you can take the assistance of any financial expert. You should possess good domain knowledge about the industry you are going to start and the utility of the services that your company will provide. Also, be cautious about all the US government information related to such loans to avoid any confusion. Be confident and try your luck with the perfect financial support from Small Business Administration.eligible for such financial assistance or not.In short, the size standards as per the guidance are as follows:There should be 500 staffs for all mining and manufacturing industriesThere should be 100 staffs for all wholesale commerce industries$7 million for all special trade services$5 million for all service and retail industries$17 million for most of the heavy construction and general industries$0.5 million for all agronomic industriesNow, if the small business of yours passes any of the above mentioned criteria, then you can visit any of the nearby SBA business loanand apply for the loan. Make sure you have all the relevant documents that are required to submit while applying for the financial aid. Take advice from the officers who work in any of these offices or you can take the assistance of any financial expert. You should possess good domain knowledge about the industry you are going to start and the utility of the services that your company will provide. Also, be cautious about all the US government information related to such loans to avoid any confusion. Be confident and try your luck with the perfect financial support from Small Business Administration.

Introduction to Sba loan Guaranty

This article will give you a quick introduction to the topic of Sba loan guaranty. SBA stands for Small Business Administration. Before we get into Sba loan guaranty, it will be helpful for you to understand what exactly a guaranty means.You might know the term guaranty through other terms such as a co-signor. Essential, a guaranty is one that is sought by the bank to get assurance that someone else can repay the loan on your behalf if you cannot pay it back on your own.You can get a guaranty from a government organization, a friend or family member or even an insurance company for that matter. The person who agrees to co-sign or be your guarantor will have to sign paperwork and documentation that will make legally bind them to the loan agreement.People use a third party guarantor or co-signer when they do not have a credit history or if they have bad credit history. Any government funded student loan is a good example of a guaranty in action. A student rarely will have any credit or income sufficient to substantiate a student loan. The government, however, wants as many citizens as possible to become educated. Given this, the government will step in and guarantee the loans will be paid back in certain situations or issue the loans itself.Just like individuals with no or bad credit who usually need a guaranty to obtain a loan, small businesses with little or no history will find it very difficult to obtain a loan from a bank. A bank will usually only lend to businesses that have a good business history with already strong cash flow statements. A small business can avoid this problem by approaching the SBA for a guaranty. The government run SBA will guarantee the repayment of the loan sought by the small business. In many cases, a small business will get an 80% SBA guaranty which means that the SBA will pay 80% of the loan for the small business if it is unable to pay back on its own. When the SBA offers to guaranty 80% of a loan, a bank will be more than willing to award the loan as the risk involved is a lot lower than without a guaranty. If not for a SBA guaranty, a small business owner can also seek guaranty from private parties who can back their loan. To back a loan or to provide guaranty, a private party will need to show proof of assets in the form of cash balances or deposits, real estate equity or investment securities such as stocks and bonds or any other security that can be readily liquidated in the market. This can be rather difficult, which is why most people end up at the doorstep of the SBA sooner or later. The Sba loan guarantee has been a huge help to millions of small businesses. It is not a stretch to success that more than a few successful companies employing thousands of people wouldn't exist today if the SBA program had not been around to provide a helping hand.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Obtain a Sba loan

The SBA or Small Business Administration loan is a significant source of financing for small businesses. Typically, Sba loans are used to finance plant construction or expansion, to purchase equipment, and to provide working capital. Under the SBA Guaranty Loan Program, loans to entrepreneurs from private lenders, usually banks, are guaranteed for 80% of loans up to $100,000 and 75% for loans over $100,000. Working capital loans generally have maturities of five to seven years. Longer maturities are used to finance fixed assets, such as land and buildings. Lenders apply directly for Sba loans for their customers. Essentially, you are a customer of the bank, and the bank is a customer of the SBA. You will not deal directly with the SBA but will work through your lending officer.If the bank feels that you are a creditworthy customer and is willing to apply for the Sba loan, which greatly minimizes its risk, it will prepare a loan package to submit to the SBA. This loan package will contain the bank's credit analysis of your venture and the loan request.The SBA will perform an independent review of the loan package. It will determine whether the business is eligible under its guidelines and whether the entrepreneur meets its credit requirements. The agency closely evaluates whether your sales and financial projections are realistic. In addition, it scrutinizes your repayment ability.Many banks have signed participation agreements with the SBA. However, only 50% of these banks are active lenders and send in applications for Sba loans. Further, only about 25% of these lenders aggressively pursue Sba loans. Therefore, it is important to determine whether a potential lender regularly participates in the Sba loan programs.The interest rate the bank charges you will vary. A bank can charge up to 2.25% above the New York prime rate for loans with maturity dates of less than seven years. On maturities over seven years, the bank may charge up to 2.75%. An interest rate can be fixed or variable, depending on your negotiation and relationship with the lender.The SBA does offer a direct loan program, but currently the funds are available only to Vietnam era veterans and other disabled veterans who have a 30% or more compensable disability. To obtain additional information about the SBA business loan programs, call its business development division. You can also ask for the brochure of Business Loans from the SBA.You could also contact a local small-business investment company or SBIC, a privately owned company, licensed by the SBA, to provide equity capital and long term loans to the entrepreneurs. Your local SBA office can provide you with a list of SBICs.Smart Tips for Obtaining an SBA Backed loan1 - Develop a business plan that contains proper financial projections, including cash flow, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets. Make your projections month by month for the first year of operation and then annually for the next three to four years.2 - Prepare a current personal financial statement for any principals involved in the venture.3 - List the collateral to be offered as security, including an estimate of the present market value of each item.4 - State the amount of the loan request and the purpose for which the funds will be used.5 - Establish a business relationship with a full service bank that participates in government lending programs.6 - Make an appointment with your loan officer and ask him or her to finance your loan.7 - If the loan is turned down, ask about the possibility of using the SBA Guaranty Loan Program.If you follow these few tips for applying Sba loan, you should be able to successfully have the approval for the loan. You can also do the research on the web for more information about the loan application process.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Improve Energy Efficientcy with 504 Sba loans Through May 2010

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is encouraging small businesses to go green. The SBA has a variety of resources and information on energy efficiency available to small business owners looking to cut costs and contribute to a cleaner environment. Business owners who are just beginning to research possible changes can find information on everything from simple energy efficiency tips to cost savings calculators for making substantial energy upgrades. For those business owners who have pinpointed the upgrades they'd like to make, the SBA provides loans to finance energy efficient improvements. The SBA Certified Development Company (504) loan program helps small businesses "make significant capital improvements including extensive plant/office renovations to increase energy efficiency overall." On April 15th, President Obama signed legislation that will provide an additional $80 million in funding to continue supporting SBA loan programs. The SBA may continue to reduce loan fees on 504 program loans through May 2010 or until funds are exhausted. An SBA loan would finance approved energy-efficient appliances, purchase of hybrid or improved mileage vehicles, alternative fuel for vehicles, energy-efficient power, wind and solar power, increased-efficiency systems, and increased insulation. The 504 loan program provides larger commercial real estate and equipment loans to build new facilities, or finance renewable, green energy equipment. There is also a green retrofit refinance available to qualified businesses.Businesses with net income of up to $3 million can now qualify for the 504 program loans, with as little as 10% down and 10% equity. In a time when many small businesses are struggling to qualify for financing, SBA business loans are a viable option for those business owners who want to have a positive environmental impact. Studies show a growing percentage of consumers who look for green companies to do business with, so the improvements made with the help of an SBA loan may result in a stronger customer base and increased revenue. Additional benefits to small businesses come in the form of state and federal tax deductions for implementing energy-efficient changes. Thinking an SBA 504 loan might be right for your business? Contact Marky Moore at Capital Review Group for a no-cost analysis while Sba loans are still available. We will estimate both immediate and long-term measurable savings, credits and other opportunities for your business.

How to Ensure SBA Minority Business Loans Application Accepted

In 1953, the US Congress created the Small Business Administration or SBA with the intention to assist, encourage, and protect the existence of small businesses and its owners. The primary objective is to help out Americans especially the minority group to start out their own business for sustainable development. The highest percentage of the SBA budget is rolled out to minorities for them to avail the SBA Minority Business Loans although Sba loans are for everyone. This is to make sure that minorities will have better chances of financial stability due to racial discrimination issues evolving from the past. SBA Minority Business Loans have minimum criteria to meet to ensure every minority of equal chances of getting the SBA Loan. And one way to ensure this can be achieved is by using their SBA Guaranteed Loans Program. In the SBA's Guaranteed Loans Program, the bank is insured that if the borrower failed to pay their obligations for whatever reasons, SBA will repay them back. The issue of competition with private banks because of this SBA program has been also resolved. One main consideration for the loan application to be accepted as an SBA Minority Business Loans is the borrower's application to a business loan from a private bank must have been rejected. This bank loan application rejection qualifies the minority to consider his application to be an SBA Minority Business Loans using the SBA's Guaranteed Loan Program. This can be brought up to the banker just in case the banker is not aware of it, which is often the case. Chances are the loan might not be still accepted. If that would be the case, then the person will have to contact the SBA and apply loan directly to them. If you are into hurry, you have the option to directly apply an SBA Minority Business Loans to them instead of going through the process mentioned above because there is an assurance that your SBA Minority Business Loan application will be accepted automatically. SBA offers other assistance aside from financial loans. They also offered the services of Service Corps of Retired Executives or SCORE. SCORE is composed retired executive volunteers who offered their hands to help out starting up small businesses to succeed. You may call SBA's direct hotline at 1-800-827-572 for more details about SBA Minority Business Loans and SBA Guaranteed Loans Program.Just make sure that you follow the steps given above to ensure that you will land in the ideal or perfect company that will provide you with your needs and assist you to your problems.

How to analyze Sba loan approval indicators

EarningsLoan is paid with cash, not profits. If cash outflow exceeds cash inflow for an extensive period of time, a business cannot continue to operate. Sba loan applicants are required to reasonably demonstrate the ability to repay the intended obligation from the business operation. Lender takes under consideration the following: the cash flow from the business, the timing of the repayment, and the probability of successful repayment of the loan. Payment history on existing credit relationships (personal and business) is considered as an indicator of future payment performance. Working Capital Working capital is the excess of current assets over current liabilities, both balance sheet items. Current Asset is the sum of cash, cash equivalents, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses, inventory that can be converted into cash in less than a year. Current liabilities are obligations due within one year. As a result, working capital measures ability of the company to pay a company's current debts. The availability of working capital is crucial for the company to meet its continuous operational needs, to meet its trade and short-term debt obligations, as well as to remain financially stable.Collateral Collateral is required as security on all Sba loans. Collateral is an additional form of security to show a lender that you have a second source of loan repayment and SBA will consider a loan where inadequacy of collateral is the only unfavorable factor.Collateral can consist of business assets such as equipment, buildings, accounts receivable, and inventory and personal assets that remain outside the business. Depending on how much equity you put in the business, the lender might request additional assets as collateral.Every owner of 20 percent or more of the business and key managers are required to sign loan's personal guarantee. For loans greater than $250,000 secured by commercial real estate certified appraisals are required.Resource Management The ability of individuals to manage the resources of their business is the prime consideration when determining whether or not a loan will be made. Character and Managerial Capacity The lender decides subjectively whether or not you are sufficiently trustworthy to repay the loan. Character is the personal impression you make on the potential lender.Managerial capacity such as your educational background, experience in business and in the industry will be reviewed. Lenders also review the quality of your references and your background. Ratios Lenders review the following key ratios:Debt to worthThe rate at which income is received after it is earnedWorking capitalThe rate at which debt is paid after becoming dueThe rate at which the service or product moves from the business to the customerGetting the SBA Financing is not an easy and fast process and requires methodical and well premeditated preparation. It is always a good idea to hire a seasoned Financial Professional to consult you during this process.Yury Iofe, MBAUniversal Business Structured SolutionMore educational resources by Yury Iofe:www.ubssolution.com

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How Sba loan program works

How SBA operatesSpecial ConsiderationsSpecial considerations apply to some types of businesses and individuals.Recreational facilities and clubs are eligible if: The facilities are open to the general public.They have membership-only situations. Membership is not selectively denied to any particular group of individuals and the number of memberships is not restricted either as a whole or by establishing maximum limits for particular groups.Franchises are eligible except in situations where a franchisor retains power to control operations to such an extent as to be practically the same as to an employment contract. The franchisee must have the right to profit from efforts commensurate with ownership.Farms and agricultural businesses are eligible. These applicants should first explore the Farm Service Agency (FSA) programs.Fishing vessels are eligible. If seeking funds for the construction or reconditioning of vessels with a cargo capacity of five tons or more must first request financing from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).Medical facilities: hospitals, clinics, emergency outpatient facilities, and medical and dental laboratories are eligible. Nursing homes are eligible, provided they are licensed by the appropriate government agency and services rendered go beyond those of room and board.Legal aliens are eligible; however, consideration is given to the type of status possessed (e.g., resident, lawful temporary resident, etc.) in determining the degree of risk relating to the continuity of the applicant's business.Probation or parole. Applications will not be accepted from firms where a principal (any one of those required to submit a personal history statement, SBA Form 912) is currently incarcerated, on parole, or on probation; is a defendant in a criminal proceeding; or whose probation or parole is lifted expressly because it prohibits an Sba loan. Debt Financing-Guaranteed Loan ProgramsLending institutions offer a numerous SBA guaranteed loan programs for small businesses. SBA does not lend the money; it does guarantee loans made to small businesses by other institutions. 7(a) Loan Program7(a) Loan Program is the most flexible loan program that provides financial guarantee for a variety of general business purposes and designed for start-up and existing small businesses. 7(a) Loan Program is delivered through various commercial lending sources.This Program designed to help start-up and existing small businesses get financing when they are not eligible for business loans through normal lending channels. The program has got its name from section 7(a) of the Small Business Act, which authorizes SBA to provide business loans to American small businesses. SBA guarantees a portion of loans made and administered by commercial lending institutions.7(a) is the most commonly used type of loan. Because financing can be guaranteed for a variety of general business purposes, including working capital, machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures, land and building (including purchase, renovation and new construction), leasehold improvements, and debt refinancing (under special conditions) it is the most flexible program. Loan terms are up to 10 years for working capital and up to 25 years for fixed assets.Many American lenders participate in the program and it makes this program widely accessible for small businesses.Participating lenders agree to structure loans according to SBA's requirements, and apply and receive a guaranty from SBA on a portion of this loan. The SBA does not fully guarantee 7(a) loans-the lender and SBA share the risk that a borrower will not be able to repay the loan in full. The guaranty is against payment default, it does not cover imprudent decisions by the lender or misrepresentation by the borrowerYury Iofe, MBAUniversal Business Structured SolutionMore educational resources by Yury Iofe:www.ubssolution.com

How Sba loan program works, introduction 2

Small Business Administration (SBA) loan program was created to provide business owners with choices beyond conventional loans that do not offer small business owners access to the capital they need. In addition SBA developed number of financial programs with more favorable terms that a conventional financing.  SBA's RoleSBA does not lend money to small businesses. Loans are given by lenders that have partnership agreements with SBA, and SBA eliminates some of the risk to the lending partners and guarantees that these loans will be repaid. The Sba loan is actually a commercial loan, structured according to SBA requirements with an SBA guaranty. SBA programs such as debt financing, surety bonds, and equity financing specifically designed to meet financing needs of small businesses owners. In order to get an Sba loan small business has to prove that it has no access to other financing on reasonable terms. Eligible uses of proceeds include, but not limited to:

Purchase land or buildings, new construction as well as expansion or conversion of existing facilities. Acquisition of furniture, equipment, machinery, fixtures, supplies, or materials. Financing of long-term working capital, including the payment of accounts payable and/or for the purchase of inventory. Refinancing of existing business debt that is not already structured with reasonable terms and conditions. Financing of short-term working capital needs, including seasonal financing, contract performance, construction financing, export production, and for financing against existing inventory and receivables. Purchase an existing business.

 There are some restrictions on Sba loans. Ineligible purposes:

To refinance existing debt where the lender is in a position to sustain a loss and SBA would take over that loss through refinancing. To effect a partial change of business ownership or a change that will not benefit the business To permit the reimbursement of funds owed to any owner, including any equity injection or injection of capital for the business's continuance until the loan supported by SBA is disbursed. To repay delinquent state or federal withholding taxes or other funds that should be held in trust or escrow; For a non-sound business purpose.

 SBA Requirements

Operate as a for-profit company. Do business in the United States Meet SBA Size Standards Be an eligible type of business Use proceeds for an approved purpose: establish a new business or to assist in the operation, acquisition or expansion of an existing business. Not have funds available from other sources. Both business and personal financial resources are reviewed as part of the eligibility criteria. If these resources are found to be excessive, the business will be required to use those resources in lieu of part or all of the requested loan proceeds. Ability to repay the loan on time. Good character. SBA will obtain a "Statement of Personal History" for the principals. Management expertise and commitment necessary for success. Feasible business plan

Yury Iofe, MBA  Universal Business Structured Solution More educational resources by Yury Iofe:

Monday, July 18, 2011

For Small Firms Facing Credit Crunch, Sba loans are definitely a Smart Option.

In a survey conducted by a business magazine reveals that there are nearly 25 million small firms in the US. These small businesses employ nearly 50% of all workers. None of the governments can afford to ignore such huge number of workforce and the influence that several small business owners have in their communities. Naturally they attract considerable political attention and the government of US is no exception to this rule. Therefore promotion of small businesses and to safeguard their interest is given high prominence in US economic policy.To promote small businesses and to address their financial requirements SBA (Small Business Administration) was formed in 1953. Earlier a small lending agency SBA has now turned into a multi billion-dollar financial institution with a remarkable presence in the US credit market. For over five decades SBA have established new programs such as, commercial loans, small business loans, small business startup loans, assistance to minority and women entrepreneurs and even providing management assistance to those small firms that are struggling hard to compete with their rivals.Despite the worst economic crisis in decades, SBA is still offering business loans and encouraging its lenders to work with business borrowers and provide them the needed finance to keep their businesses running successfully even during the difficult times.With recession showing no signs of slowing down, banks have tightened the access to credit and capital. Several businesses are facing the challenge to meet their daily financial needs. While large business will somehow cope with the existing situation but what about small businesses? In the absence of adequate finance they will collapse. Keeping all this in mind, SBA is still extending loans to needy and qualified small business owners.A few days before SBA has issued a notice to all its lenders and urged them to look at the cases of every small business owner individually and devise unique loans that are quick, convenient and can be easily repaid.With each passing day the rules and conditions to obtain a business or personal loans are getting stricter and the inflation accompanied with economic meltdown has only worsen the situation. In such circumstances Sba loans are a viable option. With a SBA loan you can easily obtain capital for operational and general business purposes.If you are finding it difficult to secure business loan through normal lending procedures then you can always opt for Sba loans available online. These loans are highly flexible and can be obtained by nearly all types of businesses.Whether you are seeking loan for general business purposes, working capital, expansion, diversification, purchase machinery equipment, furniture and fixtures, land and buildings, leasehold improvements or debt refinancing, simply apply online. And the best part of all...The maturity period is usually longer than conventional loans. For instance, 10 years for working capital and 25 years for fixed assets. A longer maturity period enables business borrowers to make monthly payments conveniently.The best Sba loans are accessible online. Just a quick online search will display several SBA business loans. Compare the rate of interest, maturity period and the terms of repayment. And finally choose the one that best serve your business needs and objectives.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Focus on being Eligible for SBA Business Loan

Staying in that stifling job is bad enough and being retrenched is worse. If you have had any leanings towards being independent now is the time to get into your own start-up. The SBA business loan has been revived in the slump period. This could be the opportunity in adversity that could prove to be a blessing in disguise. Nearly 6 prominent lenders for SBA business loan have come back into the market. The 7a and the 504 loan program were scrutinized by the media and given bad reports. But they are now getting a favorable press because they have been stable in performance during the beginning of the credit crisis in 2008. From 37% to 50% upward rise in the latter half of 2009, the talk is of it being a sustainable alternative to other forms of loans. Many young entrepreneurs failed to qualify for the SBA business loan a few years ago. They were left with no options but to get a job. This was also one of the main reasons SBA business loan got bad press. Some of the hopefuls who approached companies for loans did not understand that no loans were being funded. The bank usually funds the SBA business loan. That in turn has been standing guarantee to the entrepreneur. To get pass the main hurdle of funding, a potential fund seeker could check with the bank's lending programs with the main loan officer. That's where one can get the best ideas for getting the necessary capital for the venture. Imagine even in 2009 nearly USD 50 million in SBA business loans were being provided per day to U.S. small businesses. The whole key is to be eligible for the program, rather than focusing on getting the loan in the beginning. Once this hurdle is crossed the SBA business loan is easier to get. There is no doubt that the 7(a) is the SBA's most popular loan program. A potential applicant can get upto USD 750,000 from the local 7(a) lender. A partial guarantee will also be available from the SBA. These loans are used for getting the infrastructure and assets required by the start-up. If the potential client has more than 20% stakes then a personal guarantee to the loan is essential. The start-up also needs to check and confirm whether his business comes in the Sba loan list of approved and eligible ventures.

Financing Your Franchise; Sba loans

Financing is one of the most confusing, and often frustrating, aspects of opening a franchise. Some franchisees pay cash, others take out home equity loans or tap into their retirement savings.In this article, we look at one of the most popular methods of franchise financing: the SBA Loan. SBA Loans are loans made by traditional lenders such as banks that are guaranteed by the federal government's Small Business Administration.Banks prefer to lend money to franchise concepts which they have a positive track record, so the best place to start is with your franchisor. The franchisor should be able to provide you with a list of lenders that are familiar with its concept, have made Sba loans to other franchisees and have a positive track record underwriting the concept. Some franchisors have a dedicated outreach program to educate lenders about their concepts. The majority of major franchisors also participate in the SBA Registry program. To appear in the registry, franchises must meet certain eligibility requirements and pay an annual registration fee. Franchisees of systems listed on the registry receive expedited loan processing when applying for Sba loans.If you need help putting together a loan package, your franchisor should be able to assist you. While the franchisor won't complete the package for you, they should be able to provide a template as well as suggestions on where you can find the information you need. The main aspect of the loan package will be a loan proposal or business plan. The loan proposal should provide a description of the business, profiles of management, the purpose of the loan and plans for repayment. The loan package will also need to include: a one year projection of income and expenses, a list and cost of equipment to be acquired with the loan, a personal financial statement and copies of tax returns.Your franchisor should also be able to give you an honest appraisal of how likely it is that you will be able to obtain financing. Lenders look at several characteristics when determining whether or not they are going to approve a loan. The underlining principles of obtaining financing are known as "The Four Cs"Character - Lenders will look at your credit track record. Do you pay your bills on time? Have you had any loans before? Did you repay them? The easiest way to get a handle on your Credit "Character" is to get a copy of your credit report. In today's era of computer automation, this is the most important C. You will have a very difficult time getting approved for a loan unless you have a strong credit history.Collateral - Lenders require you to pledge assets to secure the loan. These assets may be forfeited if you default on the loan. Sba loans require the assets of the business to be pledged as collateral. Many Sba loans also require additional collateral such as home equity or a certificate of deposit.Capital - Lenders' willingness to approve a loan increases as you put more capital into the business. That is, you are more likely to get approved for a loan for 60% of the franchise cost than a loan for 90% of the franchise cost. Lenders also look for additional capital that you can use as a cushion after you start your franchise.Capacity - Lenders also examine the ability of your franchise to repay the loan. Obviously, if you anticipate your franchise will only generate $1,500 of net income each month, a bank is unlikely to make a loan that requires you to repay $2,000 a month.In part two of our look at Sba loans, we examine the specific provisions of Sba loans such as the interest rate, term and amount of financing.

Does the SBA Forgive Loans

As is the answer to many of life's complex questions, the answer is….it depends.Like dear old dad once told me, you can't get something for nothing in this life. That axiom holds true with respect to settling SBA debt. I've had people call me looking to settle, and when I ask them how much they'd be able to offer as a settlement to the SBA, they reply "well, I don't have anything to offer right now". A case like that is dead in the water. Many people are under the impression that just because they have difficult circumstances in their life, their lender or the SBA will simply let them walk away from the debt in exchange for nothing. As a borrower once put it, they want the SBA "to let this little fish swim away". Unfortunately, that's not something that is going to happen. Look at it from your lenders perspective. Why would they relieve you of your obligation to repay the debt in exchange for no consideration? If you can offer nothing, there is quite simply nothing to discuss. I'm yet to see a tale of woe (i.e. I lost my job, my house, my dog etc) that convinces a lender to simply forgive debt. Banks and the SBA are not charities, so don't expect a handout. Like most issues at a bank, the decision to settle debt is a business decision. Lenders tend to ask one question when evaluating an offer: what scenario will result in the best possible recovery for the bank? If you offer $10,000 in cash, and their alternative is trying to garnish your wages for 20 years, then they take the settlement. If you offer $10,000 in cash, and they can sell your home and clear $50,000, then they will foreclose. If a borrower understands that concept, it will make the settlement process a whole lot easier.So to answer the original question of whether the SBA forgives loans? No. Does the SBA settle loans? The answer is yes, but only when it makes business sense to do so.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Considering about an SBA Business Loan;

If you are in trade regardless of what you do for making a profit, you realize that sooner or later you are about to ought to seem to outside sources for added funding to develop your internet business. Now, this also is determined by the kind of big business that you just have. If your commercial is operate largely to the World wide web then you can possibly not be in need of is substantial quantities as a person who runs a commercial construction providers that say. Nevertheless, you would probably be thinking about finding specialized gear that may be somewhat high-priced and even moving completely into the new place. You could possibly even be taking a look at possessing to custom made construct it. That getting mentioned, it is at times like these for you personally could perhaps prefer to give some thought to an SBA business loan.All the same, you should really realize that the SBA as an group is absolutely not within the big business of delivering loans. As this kind of an SBA business loan is somewhat of the misnomer. Fundamentally what the group does is always that guarantees your financial loan for your lenders. This assures that they'll get compensated back the cash they may be all in in circumstance you default. Though this probably will sound like it may not be an enjoyable factor to carry out, you must keep in mind it in the lender's point of look at. Particularly if you happen to be undertaking an unsecured mortgage, then the lender is assuming a massive chunk in the probability and contemplating when and just how much mortgage you. This needless to say is minimized if you happen to take out a secured car or truck loan by which I imply you place up some type of collateral. That says in spite of this it does spend to obtain the SBA to help you and which means you could conceivably consider of as SBA business loan because they do a good deal to assist you receive the mortgage which you might need.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Common Questions About Sba loan Forgiveness, Part II

What's the worst that can happen to me if I default on an Sba loan?Oh man, where do we start? Not to be the bearer of doom and gloom, but there are some very severe consequences to defaulting on an Sba loan. They can foreclose on your home if it has equity in it. They can shut down your business and sell all the business equipment. They can get a personal judgment against you, and subpoena you for information. If you don't respond to the subpoena, in some states you could be arrested. If you didn't pledge your home to start with, in some states they can place a judgment lien on your property that will remain there until you sell the property. In a nutshell, default is bad, and you should be proactive about settling.When I make a settlement offer, does it go through my lender or directly to the SBA?It depends on whether your lender has referred the matter to the SBA. In most cases of default, the lender continues to service the matter until they feel that all avenues have been exhausted, and there is no chance of additional recovery. Once the lender reaches that point, the file is 'wrapped up' and referred to the SBA for further collection efforts. Once the matter is referred to the SBA, the borrower and guarantors will typically get a letter from the SBA. If you receive such a letter, your lender is no longer involved in the negotiation, and you are free to deal directly with the SBA. On the other hand, if you defaulted on your loan recently, and there is collateral remaining that has not been liquidated, you will most likely have to continue to deal with your lender. If you try to deal with the SBA directly, chances are that they will refer you back to your lender.My bank has not responded to my SBA settlement offer. Am I off the hook?Probably not. In today's economy, the 'workout' areas at many banks are busting at the seams. There are simply too many files, and not enough hours in the day to give proper attention to each file. Just because they aren't calling you back or responding to your emails, it doesn't mean you have slipped through the cracks. I often hear from people who stopped paying 3 years ago, assumed the matter was long gone, then out of the blue they get a letter from the US Treasury (or a collection company on their behalf). To add insult to injury, they typically will add on thousands of dollars in fees and penalties. So if your lender is not being responsive, I suggest that you stay persistent, or hire a workout consulting to stay persistent on your behalf.My bank told me that because my loan is guaranteed by the SBA, they cannot settle. Is that true?No, but I've heard this amazing tale enough times that I think its worth addressing. The SBA has created a process, and specific forms, solely for the purpose of settling debt for less than the full balance. If your lender is throwing road blocks up and blaming the SBA, its likely because 1) Your lender doesn't do a lot of SBA lending and is not aware of the OIC process 2) Your lender does not want to settle, and is trying to blame the SBA (Note: lenders are not required to settle, although most are willing to).

Common Questions About Sba loan Forgiveness, Part I 2

Is it possible to settle an SBA Disaster Loan? It is possible to settle an SBA disaster loan. It should be noted, however, that disaster loans are handled by a different area than "regular" Sba loans. Technically, they have the same SOPs (standard operating procedures), but the rules tend to be interpreted a little differently by the disaster loan folks than they are by the "regular" Sba loan area.  How long will it take to settle my loan? It depends. There are many factors that can drag out the process. Is there business equipment that needs to be sold? Is there real estate that needs to be sold? Are you dealing directly with the SBA, or is your lender still servicing the loan? Like a construction project, the rule of thumb is that it will always take longer than you expect it to. With that said, don't despair. It is possible to settle. The SBA is fair (in my opinion), so if you abide by the settlement rules, and understand how the SBA is going to evaluate your offer, your chances of settling are good provided you can raise an acceptable amount of cash.  What can an SBA workout specialist do for me that I can't do for myself? A knowledgeable SBA workout expert will have a strong knowledge of the SBA settlement process. They will have a firm grasp of how the SBA will analyze your financial situation in order to determine whether your offer is acceptable. In addition to their ability to determine a fair settlement offer, an SBA workout expert will be able to challenge lenders, who often hide behind the SBA as an excuse not to settle. Some lenders will cite specific SBA guidelines as reason why an offer cannot be acceptable. A seasoned SBA workout pro knows the SBA rules, and can challenge the lender when they know that something is not factually correct. As a business owner who is going through the settlement process for the first time, how could you possible know all the SBA rules and practices? More importantly, how would you know if they lender is accurately interpreting the SBA guidelines?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Commercial Loans �" The Single Most Import Sba loan Program In Existence

The Small Business Administration is charged with helping small businesses survive and grow. Some of the programs offered by the SBA aren't all that helpful, but one certainly is and that makes it the single most important Sba loan program on the market.The SBA was created in the 1950s to help small businesses in a host of areas. One area that the agency is most known for helping with is financing. The SBA does not provide direct financing to borrowers, but does provide loan guarantees. This essentially means that if you fail to repay the loan, the bank that lends you the money is not left hanging. This lack of risk makes Sba loans very popular with banking institutions.The 7(a) loan program is considered the bell weather loan for the SBA. Why? It is incredibly flexible and the lending requirements are such that many small businesses are able to get financing that would not have otherwise happened had they just directly applied to a bank without the help of the SBA. From a flexibility perspective, the program is great because it can be used for a host of different business needs including, but not limited to, the purchase, construction or renovation of property; the purchase of land; working capital; furniture and furnishings and machinery. The lending process is a bit complicated. Borrowers must apply directly through banks participating in the program. Despite this, the borrower must comply with all SBA requirements in addition to the normal bank inquiries. The bank then determines if it will write the loan on its own or ask for a SBA guarantee. If it asks for a guarantee, the SBA then reviews the loan package and makes a determination on what it is willing to guarantee. Typically, the SBA will only guarantee a certain percentage of the loan. It might be 50 percent or it might be 75. It just depends. As you can probably see, positioning yourself correctly at the outset of the process is critical. The devil is in the details with these loans, which makes retaining an experienced broker a very smart move when seeking out this funding.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Commercial Real Estate loans Free Useful Guide Regarding Sba Commercial Loan And Bussiness Loans.

If you are in the market to buy commercial real estate because an investment, you're more than likely also in the market for a commercial mortgage. Some necessary items you may need to get approved for your investment are listed below:I am sure your quest for Commercial Real Estate Loans has come to an end as you read this article. Yes, gone are those days when we have to search endlessly for Commercial Real Estate Loans information or other such information like mobile home parks, loan, small commercial real estate loan or even commercial mortgage loan rate. Even without articles such as this, with the Internet all you have to do is log on and use any of the search engines to find the Commercial Real Estate Loans information you need.A worse scenario would be to have your rate increase during process. Rate locks are rare in the commercial mortgage industry therefore it is most likely for the funding bank to call you with the bad news that your rate will be higher. In fact, as of this writing 5/8/8, it's not that uncommon at all, as banks are constantly rethinking what they can and what they need to lend on - due to the allowance crisis. And many will have the attitude of, take it or leave it. More to the point although if the margin and index are not clearly known the lender could mention any margin or index when challenge to "cover" his story.For the first time in several years, however, we are generally seeing widespread repayments in both residential and commercial property values throughout much of the United States, with some areas of the country exhibiting more volatility than others. A severe recession will result in decreasing revenue for many businesses over an extended period of time, and it is very difficult for either lenders or borrowers to project when this downward trend will reverse.AT THIS JUNCTURE -- As you can see from this little information already given that this article is in some way or manner related to Commercial Real Estate Loans. It is not only related but can also be very helpful when searching for information about government small business grants, start up business loan, sba commercial loan servicing center or commercial loan uk.Upon reception of the commercial loan documents, the borrower is presented with a letter that carefully details the process. The limits of the sort of security implied by parity and the funding amount need to be included on the letter of agreement.Investors will should have a down payment to invest in property. At a minimum it is at least twenty percent plus adequate reserves, closing fees, title, and lender expenses. Lenders do wan to finance you but feel far better when you share the risk because well because it demonstrates you have confidence in the investment.We discovered that many people who were also searching for information related to Commercial Real Estate Loans also searched online for related information such as commercial construction loan, small business start up loans, small business startup loans, and even commercial real estate loan rates.Whether you're considering buying a new business or have been in business for many years - find an experienced mortgage broker who deals with business owners, and complete a review of your current loans structures. This may help you with your cash flow and save you cash.