Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sba loan Default; If you take cash from the till, you'll pay later

I see this often: small business owners swiping cash out of the register or however it is received and held. Sometimes it's just the lure of the green, an instinctive move that cannot be overcome, a need to have cash in your pocket. I understand. However, sometimes it is a plan, repeated every week removing large amounts or amounts that overtime become larger and larger as the pleasure of feeling rich is a great feeling for some small business owners, despite the reality that they are stealing their own cash from their own business.Unfortunately, there is more harm than good that results out of such actions and it will come back to haunt you.For one, it is impossible to do any cash management or cash flow projections as revenue no longer equals sales and, thus, planning is out the door as is budgeting or any form of accounting. This is bad as basically it means you are running the business cash flow without any guidelines or projections, without any way of knowing whether or not you are succeeding or what your numbers really are trying to tell you. There can't be no controls over your business.It sets a very bad example as your staff and employees will know you are using the cash register as a personal bank and that there are no controls; thus, it invites stealing and other wrong doing as why not, the boss does it and he will not be able to tell because he can no longer control his cash or revenue accounts.But the worst is yet to come. When it comes the time to sell the business, try telling the buyer that the revenue is really a hundred thousand more but you take it out of the business in cash before it gets deposited.It never works. You simply have a business that does a hundred thousand less in revenues and that devalues the sale price dramatically.So great, you avoided some tax bite and lost a bundle when it comes time to sell.Enough, it is a bad habit and never works out as expected. Change your ways, take whatever cash you need but properly account for it by withdrawing it appropriately after recording it as income. That's what we need to be doing, not swiping it out of the cash drawer.

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